
I've just gotten a new notebook ,so I can finally work on a new book.
I already have a basic plot jotted down in my spiral notebook, but it doesn't really suit my aesthetic or what I want my story to be.

I also finished the Lord of the Rings Triology a bit ago. The third movie really passed my expectations, and I absolutely loved it :) .


Hi. I'm gonna do another art dump today.
I watched the second LotR a bit ago. I liked it a lot.



Hi! I finally got a new sketchbook(as said before).I'm gonna do an art dump on here in a second.
I also finished a story i've been working on for a long time. The first chapters are poorly written with drama ,so I'm going to rewrite them eventually.I use journals by Peter Pauper Press if your interested.
I just watched the first LotR movie yesterday night ,and I really liked it! I sorta imagined some of the scenes different (and the characters),but I think it they make a story themselves. It's just like LotR, but in a different way .
I'm also working on a new language. I made one before. Based off English and Greek,but this time i'm trying to figure out if I can make it its own thing.

I also made a LotR site bacause I can .Its:



Hi. I just added my art to my art page



I just got a new sketchbook today


Hi Today I'll watch the LotR cartoon. I've been trying to sleep without melatonin ,and I remember why I used to get so much books read . I was awake till 3 reading .


Today was pretty boring. Nothing worthy of writing about ,I wasted it playing on the computer and doing school.


Hi. I finished the Lord of the rings books last night. I'm really excited to watch the movies for the first time later.


Hi! This is my first journal entry. Lately I've been reading Lord of the Rings and I think it's awesome! It's my favorite series now.My favorite characters in it are probably Sam, Legolas, and Gandalf. There's several copies of the series in my house.

my books:

Family copy:

I also painted a picture of Bag End. Eventualy I'm gonna make a page for my paintings